Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Please Say Some Prayers, For Our Dear Friend, Norma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Some readers may recall our dear friend, Norma, from last Summer's chronicling of our trip to Oecan Grove, NJ.  Norma, who several years back with diagnosed with some form of blood cancer, underwent Stem Cell treatment, and three months of isolation, followed by chemo treatments, and made a remarkable recovery, and into remission for several years, was, we found out this weekend, recently hospitalized at Sloan Kettering with the flu and pneumonia.

                          Both David and I were terribly upset.  But last night, we received news that Norma was discharged from the hospital, is at home recovering, but in a weakened state.

                             Just being home, in one's own environment, can be a start on the road to recovery.  But Norma has been weakened, and it is going to take some time for her to get back on her feet.

                                So, I am asking all readers, Sister Camille D'Arienzo, and the Sisters at Convent Station Of The College Of Saint Elizabeth, to offer up prayers for her!

                                  Hear these voices, Lord, as they cry out to you!

                                  May you have the best recovery, Norma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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