Monday, February 17, 2020

Take A Good Look, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, THIS Is How You Fold Laundry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Yes, darlings, that is Anne Revere as Louise Soubirous, mother  of Bernadette, in "The Song Of Bernadette."  To make ends meet, she does laundry for the wealthier members of Lourdes.  And, that is Roman Bohnen, in the background, entering, after his morning of work, while Bernadette (Jennifer Jones) is out having an experience that will soon change all of their lives.

                                   But the important thing here, girls, is how correctly Anne Revere folds the laundry.  One does not have to wear the kerchief she does, but it does help.  But look how good and tight she gets those towels and garments.  That is what one must aim for, when doing laundry!

                                     Of course, this film is just filled with stunning information, but one can never underestimate the ability to fold laundry.

                                       It netted Anne an Oscar nomination for this role.  She should have won!

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