Saturday, February 1, 2020

Tonight Is Candlemass Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Girls, don't even try to lie about being or not being a virgin today, because, in either case, you will be found out!

                                     Yes, it is that time of year again--Candlemass Eve, the night the witches mock the rituals of the Church, and, at midnight, sacrifice a virgin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Finding one is getting increasingly difficult.  Even old standbys, like spinsters and convent nuns can no longer be depended on.

                                        Those of you living in apartments, if you hear chanting through your walls this evening--beware!

                                         "This is no dream!  This is really happening!"


  1. "Burn, witch, burn, witch, burn... burn... BURN!!!" - Christopher Lee

    "Man, dig that crazy beat!" - Dopey Frat Boy Classmate of Soon To Be Sacrificed Virgin

    Like you, RQ, I will be sitting up all evening with crucifix in hand to ward off any abductors, if necessary I'll thwart them with a black-flame candle.
