Friday, February 28, 2020

Who Knew Such Treasures Existed In Morristown? That's Right, Morristown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I know, I know, it sounds like a line out of "42nd Street," but the Morris Museum, located at 6 Normandy Heights Road, in Morristown, New Jersey, has the most exquisite display of 18th and 19th Century antiquities, with its Music Box Exhibit.

                                             On Thursday, of last week's vacation, we went to visit our friends, Lynda and Marilyn--those two, crazy kids--in Morris Plains, and took in the museum.  It was like stepping back into a past I wish I had lived in.  The detail, the designs of the boxes had that almost Victorian elegance I simply crave!

                                            I mean, darlings, just look at the elegance and craft, pictured below.  Where does one see this kind of work, anymore?  Oh, sure, the talent is still out there, but where is this kind of passionate craftsmanship today?  I cannot tell you how refreshing it was to see such treasures on display!

Of course, some of them I wanted to take home!

                                             Aren't these just ravishing, darlings!  And to think this is all in Morristown!  Morristown!

                                              That's right, girls, Jersey isn't all "Friday The 13th" and tract strip malls!


  1. ...a past I wish I lived in...
    I get that.


  2. Victoria,
    A time of elegance, graciousness
    and civility.
    How our time needs those things now!
