Saturday, March 21, 2020

All Right, Now Listen, Girls! Could The Coronavirus Been Part Of The Fatima Prophecies, Or The Third Secret?

                                            I owned this actual prayer card, when I was young, and am certain I still have it, somewhere.  Over the years, I have read much about Fatima, and the renowned Third Secret.
The problem is whatever I read seemed to lack specificity.  Which leads me to ask, to this very day, what is the Third Secret?

                                           They way I interpreted the material, it has something to do with the Apocalypse, and the Day Of Judgement.  But that is as much as I can discern.  And the clergy have never stepped up to explain to those of us who want to know--and not just Catholics--what the Third Secret actually is.

                                             Considering what is happening all about us, I am forced to wonder if, within the texts on Fatima, there is some reference to what we know today as the Coronavirus.  If ever there was a time for Mary or Jacinta to make an earthly visit, this is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               The only thing we can do, girls, is pray.  For ourselves, for the people around us, and that no one suffer needless tragedy.  Because no one deserves to be afflicted this way.

                                                 It still reminds me of "Ben-Hur," and the lepers.  Only now, it is playing out, in real time.

                                                 Send those prayers to Mary, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Even The Beatles knew she listens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. “From incalculable destruction, from every kind of war, deliver us”


  2. Victoria,
    How true, how true. I pray Mary keeps an eye
    on all of us.
