Monday, March 16, 2020

Avoid These Two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Who are these women?  They look like two West Village lesbian spinster sisters, going out for a night on the town.  They certainly have the spinster thing, down right.

                                      I have to wonder if these are actually the Trench Sisters, referenced by Ira Levin in his classic novel, "Rosemary's Baby."   When Rosemary and Guy have dinner with their friend Hutch, (played by Maurice Evans in the 1968 movie) after having put down money on an apartment in The Bramford, he tells them some of its unsavory history.  And the Trench Sisters are famous.

                                          They were two proper, Victorian style, sexually repressed spinsters, as pictured above, who ventured into cannibalism.  They cooked and ate several children, including a young niece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Imagine!  Their niece!  How was that explained to the parents?   And what were the Trench Sisters names?????????????????????

                                              But here is proof they existed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Stay away from the virus, but stay away from these two, as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The one on the left looks like my third grade teacher.
    She hated me; I never understood why.

  2. The one on the left also looks like she could be the long-lost twin sister of Geraldine Page: that throws me for a loop every time I screen this movie. I keep expecting Rip Torn to turn up as a warlock.


  3. Victoria,
    I was fortunate during my elementary
    years; I never experienced teacher dislike
    till junior and senior high school.

    Yes, now I can see it, she does resemble
    Geraldine Page! I never saw that before!


  4. My Dear,

    The Geraldine Page comment was for you.
    My mind is all over the place these days!
