Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Let's Talk Beauty With............Julia Roberts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I mean, even when she was getting knocked around by Patrick Bergin, in 1991's "Sleeping With The Enemy," she never looked less than gorgeous.

                          I am so anxious to talk beauty with Julia, to fly out to the coast, stay at the Chateau Marmont, and have some kind of salad lunch with her, at a posh LA eatery.

                          But I can share some things I have picked up, which may surprise you, darlings.

                           One of Julia's standard beauty secrets is to have plenty of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  She puts it in her hair, leaving it in for thirty minutes, before washing it out, and then washing her hair with whatever shampoo or conditioner is at hand.

                             She maintains it keeps one's hair glossy and shiny.  Same with the skin.  Putting it on there, especially the face, can give one a glow.

                               I don't know. girls, because Extra Virgin Olive Oil is kind of sticky.  As is Cocoa Butter, another hair shiner I have heard about, and which is even more gloppy than the olive oil.

                                 I want my girls to take note of these, and if I am ever brave enough to try any, I will let you know how they turn out.  As you must do, to me, loves.

                                  But how does one tell if olive oil is Extra Virgin?

                                   Or even Virgin?????????????????????????


  1. Whatever happened to Patrick Bergin?
    I never saw him in anything else.


  2. Victoria,
    I agree. He was so good looking.
    He continues working in TV cable, especially
    in England and Ireland.

    My theory was because he played such a
    despicable character in this, it did nothing
    for his career.

    Wonder how Julia's would have panned out,
    had the roles been reversed?
