Sunday, April 26, 2020

A Gothic Combination Of "Alice In Wonderland" And "Brigadoon!"

                                            This pandemic is clearing out my book pile, because I am getting to things I never expected I would touch.  And one of these was "Slade House," because I like the author, David Mitchell.

                                            It is supposedly a continuation of his 2014 novel, "The Bone Clocks," which I read and loved, at the time.  "Slade House" came out the following year, so you can see how long it took me to get to it.

                                            On a street in London, every nine years, ("Brigadoon" was every two hundred years) a small door appears.  Often it goes unnoticed, but those of a curious bent--and I would have been one--see it, and walk through, into an enchanted garden and residence, known as Slade House.  The two most fascinating, and evil characters are the Grayer twins, Norah, and her brother, Jonah.  Once someone goes through the door, they are trapped forever, and can never leave.

                                               The book is divided into five sections, each chronicling someone's experience with, or at, Slade House.  The two mid- sections, "Oink Oink," and "You Dark Horse, You"
are the most interesting, as, in Shirley Jackson fashion, a group of paranormal explorers, including Sally Timms, and her sister, Freya, come to investigate the place.  When Sally suddenly goes missing, Freya searches frantically, and the full evil of the Grayer twins is revealed.

                                                 Like I said, a little 'Alice,' a little "Brigadoon."  Followers of David Mitchell should appreciate "Slade House; I did, though not as much as "The Bone Clocks."  Maybe he wanted to pay homage to the works I have mentioned, but, believe me, darlings, you are better off reading those.

                                                   And stick to epic novels, David.  You paint better on a larger canvass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I enjoyed The Bone Clocks.
    Even though Crispin Hershey sounds like the name of a candy bar.


  2. Victoria,
    I had forgotten that name, but I
    agree with you. I also have a funny
    feeling David Mitchell intended it
    that way!
