Tuesday, April 21, 2020

I Thought We Needed Something Cheerful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                How is everyone out there, coping with the stay at home thing?  Not since we were pre-schoolers have we been at home for so long a period of time.  So, how are we all getting through it?

                                 Well, as you can see I write this blog, and I do an awful lot of reading.  Especially things I have had piled high for years, which I never thought I would get to.  Well, now's the time!

                                   A little bit of TV, but not much.  It gets old, real soon.

                                   Remember my parlor theater post, awhile back? Do that with your shows or pop albums.  Who cares if you can sing or not, but it is a plus, if you can.

                                     Remember when Julia Powell cooked her way through Julia Child's cook book?  The time could not be better for a similar type of project--for those so inclined.

                                       Check in on your elderly and alone neighbors.  If they need something, buy it for them, ring their bell, and leave it outside the door.

                                         Offer up prayers of gratitude for the wellness we have, as well as those on the front lines!  I can't imagine!

                                            Sorry!  No being Connie Francis or Paula Prentiss on the beach in "Where The Boys Are," this season!

                                              It just ain't gonna happen, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. One of my friends is making masks!!
    Sew, sew, sew the masks
    Through the quarantine
    Sew and sew and sew and sew
    This is not a dream...

    He washes dishes
    He washes clothes
    He’s so ambitious
    He even sews!!


  2. Victoria,
    More power to your friend. And those
    masks will come in handy!
