Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Something I Have Been Sitting On, For Awhile, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Diane Paulus, who with Julie Taymor (Julie, who????????) is set to direct a Spring 2021 production of "1776", for the Roundabout.  Diane is doing this herself; she has too much of an ego not to, and Julie is still exiled on the Island Of Misguided Directors, after her 'Spider Man' fiasco, back in 2011, and she cannot live on the laurels of her 2009 production of "HAIR," forever!

                                    As with all things Paulus, the show will first play the American Repertory Theatre, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, from  May 22-June 28 of this year--good luck with that!!!!!--then a run at the Center Theatre Group's Ahmanson Theatre, in Los Angeles, and then Broadway, in the Spring of 2021.

                                     I am worried about this one, darlings.  I can take Diane being a bitch, as she did great work with "HAIR." Alison Casey, as Crissy, was the best to date, since Shelley Plimpton, in the original.  And that is ultimate praise, coming from me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      It is what I am hearing about this production, and how it is going to work that has me worried!

                                      First, I have heard the cast will be entirely female.

                                      What?  Why?  This is some game changer.

                                       Not only will it be strange seeing a stage full of women in colonial men's costumes, the score will have to be considerably transposed for their voices, and how are the really  lovely songs, like "Till Then," (Oh, my God, I can still hear William Daniels' and Virginia Vestoff's voices in my head, and the tears are flowing down my cheeks!!!!!!!!!!!!) let alone "He Plays The Violin!"  going to come off?  Remember Betty Buckley, in her Broadway debut, on the Original Cast Album?  Or Blythe Danner, in her movie debut?  Those were powerhouse ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Will these now become lesbian love songs, or what?

                                           Will the names of the characters be changed?

                                            Diane, what the hell are you doing?

                                             My final, underlying worry is that someone I have not yet mentioned will find a way to sneak themselves into this production.

                                              That person would be Lin Manuel Miranda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,

    I can only hope it fizzles out,
    or flops on Bway, and Diane gets taught
    the same lesson as July.
