Friday, April 24, 2020

What Is This Dream Telling Me? To Risk A Sugar Binge, Just For The Sake Of Tastes I Vividly Remember?????????????

                                 It is said addicts, no matter how recovered, never forget what it was like to use.  This is a photo of a Black And White Milk Shake; they have been floating through space in my dreams along with Vanilla and Butterscotch Shakes.

                                 They used to be part of my Summer, where there was a Dairy Queen at the top of the next street over, from me.  Some of you have heard the Hot Fudge Brownie Delight story, where I could not finish it, but what I did make sure I ordered during the season, was a Black And White Milk Shake, a Vanilla Milk Shake, and a Butterscotch Milk Shake.

                                   I think about how good these taste.  And they are really present in my thoughts, as they float through my consciousness in dream imagery, suggesting Georges Melies movies.

                                   Now, Vanilla and Black And White are pretty standard.  But I have looked on line, and cannot find a Butterscotch Milk Shake.  Have they stopped?  I mean, all they seemed to be were milk with vanilla ice cream and butterscotch syrup swirled together.

                                   Even if it was safe for me to do this, would the experience hold up?  Childhood memories often never do.  That is why they live on in your head.

                                    But, how I would love to try!
Now, here is a Vanilla Milk Shake!
And here is the Butterscotch Milk Shake!

Since Summers then, were three months--well, almost--long--what I would do is start in June, with a Black And White, then July for Vanilla, and August for Butterscotch? 

What would you do if you were I, girls?

Hell, what would I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. mmmm, you can’t beat a good butterscotch shake!!


  2. Victoria,
    Oh, the memory! If only I could indulge!
