Friday, May 1, 2020

A Word About Yesterday, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Yesterday, David was home, so I had no access to the computer.  But, more than that, it was a hard day for me.  April has always been a hard month for our family, who lost so many people during it over the years.  T.S.Eliot said it was "the cruelest month," and, boy, did he come through this year.

                                            But it was, and evermore shall remain, an especially hard day for me.  Because on that day not one, but two events happened.

                                              This will always be my father's birthday.  Even though he is not here, I know he would be 105, and I look over our tumultuous relationship, the fun times, and when things were difficult.  It made me sad.

                                                Also sad is this was the day--just 3 years ago--that my childhood friend, Doug, passed.  Thar brought up a myriad of thoughts, and I am afraid, in the middle of the afternoon, I had an anxiety attack.

                                                   So, April was a difficult month on  all counts, and for everyone.

                                                   My hope for May is it brings us closer to whatever the new normal will be!


  1. Victoria,
    Thank you. This day is now
    always a hard one!

  2. As a Christian, I try to see challenging experiences as opportunities to grow.
    However, with all that is happening in the world and in our own personal lives, some days I think I could just start crying and never stop,..


  3. Victoria,
    I get it, but the next hard
    day, I think I will try the first
    part of your statement.
