Friday, May 29, 2020

Darlings, Did You See Amy's Sedaris' Valentine's Day Show???????????????????

                               I am talking about the "Good Amy," of course, meaning Amy Sedaris, she all in pink, and with that hair!  Amy, tell us how you do it!  Imagine, a Valentine's Day Show, in late May!
That is just what was needed during this pandemic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Chassie was on and so were Patty Hogg and Lesbo.  But I found this show exceptionally moving, because Amy did some things that made me wish I had seen this 20 years ago.

                                  The MOST touching thing resonating with me, dolls, was when Amy was making the Valentine Sugar Cookies, and writing on them.  On one she wrote the word "Spinster," and boy, did that take me back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Twenty years earlier, I was living by myself.  I did it, but was never happy about it, always wanting to find someone, not sure it would ever happen.  Oh, there were attempts, hons, but I would rather not talk about those.  Same with Amy, I am sure.

                                        Meanwhile, everyone on the show is trying to find a match for Amy.  Including Amy, who looked pretty cute, next to guest star Michael Cera.

                                          What Amy was trying to convey throughout the show, and especially with that "Spinster" cookie was that, while it is great to find someone, being by yourself is OK, too.  Amy was providing a lesson in self-comfort, and while I am happily not alone anymore, the idea of say, transporting back to that point in time, scares me.

                                               But then I am not comfortable with a lot, these days.  As can be told from some of the posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For all those anguished spinsters still out there, listen to Amy, not Tennessee Williams!
Don't end up like this!
As she was trying to show us!


  1. It’s worth the wait to find the RIGHT someone.
    You didn’t “Settle” and neither will Amy!
    Sadly, the baby boom that was predicted is looking more like a Divorce boom!!


  2. You are right, Victoria, I did not settle.
    So I agree with Amy. No wonder I connect
    with her, You are so perceptive.

    Note-- You will be getting an email
    from me in a few days--some stuff
    I would rather not post, but still
    like you comments on.
