Friday, May 8, 2020

Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Now, girls, let me explain.  We--David and I--have not one--but two anniversaries.  The first is January 10, 2017, when we were married,  That is the picture being shown here.

                                 The other anniversary is today, because, at the now defunct Riviera Café in the West Village, this is where we met for the first time,

                                   It was a Saturday, and I had to work.  I had my rainbow umbrella, because I always carried it as a homage to "The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg," and, since David had not yet met me, it would stand out.

                                  It sure did.  The meeting went something like above, and we have seldom been apart, since.  Which is how we both want it.

                                   Ten years ago today, darlings!  Can you believe it?  Who would have thought I would now be 65, retired from my job, and living in New York, during a pandemic?

                                     I thank God every day, for my David, and I am so happy!

                                    Let's start the countdown to twenty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I can NOT believe it!
    Here’s to twenty more!
    To life, to life, l’chaim!!

  2. Congratulations and mazel tov, dear friends!

    So glad to witness you reaching this milestone, tho I wish it could be in person. Also shocked that its come so quickly (seems like you met just last year, not a decade ago)!

    Your relationship is an inspiration, aspiration and envy of all your friends: before you know it, we'll be celebrating your golden anniversary!


  3. Thank you so much, darling!
    Yes, we wish you could be here too.
    Fastest and happiest decade of my life.

    May that last sentence of yours come true!


  4. Victoria,
    Thank you so much, and I hope so, too!
