Tuesday, May 26, 2020

It's Dense, Girls, But What A Worthy Read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Now that I have finished "Romola,"--a book I never thought I would get to--I have read all of George Eliot's books.  What on earth do I  do, now?

                                          While  thinking about that, I want to tell you that "Romola" is the ultimate historical-romantic read, and it sets an impossible gold standard both for its time, and ours.

                                              The time span is 17 years, from 1492--no, Columbus is not mentioned!!!!--to 1509.  Romola goes from being a timid little thing to having the strength and determination of Scarlett O'Hara!  The plot is straight out of opera, with all threads converging, and Eliot's descriptive details of Florence, Italy, while lengthy, are linguistically gorgeous, and add much to understanding the story taking place.  There is also a nod to the importance of libraries and archival work; I am telling you, "Romola" is crammed with so much, it has to be read slowly, to be savored, and then processed.

And did you know, back then, that peacock was a dining delicacy?   And it had to be served, just like this?  Whip up a delicious one tonight, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And read "Romola"  It will empower those who need it, and justify all who are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Some of it was too hard for me to understand.

    You’ve read all her books? I am impressed!!


  2. Victoria,

    I am so glad I read it.
    I never thought I would but
    the pandemic is forcing some
    things in a good way.

  3. Victoria,

    You are right about some
    good coming out of this.

    Give "Romola" a second try,
    and go slowly. It is worth it.
