Sunday, May 24, 2020

Let's Ask ANNA--How Do You Keep Your Singnature Hair Style, During This Pandemic, And How About Some Designer Masks?????????????

                                          I have no doubt ANNA is working furiously from home.

                                          But what about that hair?  Does Sally Hershberger herself come to the apartment and do the job?  And how is the mask thing handled?

                                            Speaking of masks, here are some designers I want--

                                             1. Imitation Schiaparelli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                             2. Balenciaga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                             3. Christian Dior and La Croix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I want to walk out of my apartment looking like Baroness Pauline De Rothschild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                So, ANNA, how about it!  Us girls want to know!
Sally, I know I am not ANNA, but could you make a house call?????????????  Unless my hair grows to your length, which I doubt, I won't know what to do.

I will to start wearing head coverings, like Little Edie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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