Friday, May 22, 2020

Take A Look At Some REAL White Trash, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     These two have long been overdue for The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, and today they get the prize.  This is Gregory McMichael and his son, Travis. who, some months back, were found to have hunted down Ahmed Arbery and shot him in cold blood, thinking he was a robber.  My only question to these two Bozos is, what were they doing in that neighborhood?  It looked too affluent for them; no "L'il Abner" type shacks barely standing, with the Confederate flag out front, which is just what I would expect from these two.

                                       Hell, I used to walk through all the neighborhoods of my home town, and no one took a shot at me!  Why didn't they just leave the guy alone?  Because they are White Trash, and bigoted, and even if it had turned out he, or his relations owned one of these houses, he still would have been shot at.  As for that shot of Arbery at the construction site, well, maybe he was just cooling down, after running a bit.

                                          These two dicks are headed for prison, and I hope both get cornholed.

                                           Addendum-- William "Roddie" Bryan, Jr., who filmed the incident, was arrested and charged with murder.  Of course, he should have intervened to stop, or try, but I am not sure he should be charged with murder.  To charge him as a moron--which he is--might be a legal precedent, but I propose a law on the books where people could be charged for being morons!

                                             Meanwhile, Daddy and Bubba will soon be pigs in the porker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. “There’s no law against stupidity”
    If there were, a whole lot of people would be in a heap of trouble lol
