Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How About Amy's Outdoor Entertaining Show?????????????????

                                    Oh, girls, wasn't it just scrumptious?  Amy in her colored dresses, a water melon cake, Sun Tea, which I am dying to try, and best of all, an appearance by Ruth and Esther.  Who seem to be having problems, which amount to, I think, they cannot decide whom is the more controlling lesbian.  Control is key in the lesbo world, and there cannot be two alphas.   Whereas, in Gay Male life, one is the Princess, while the other....well, he just listens to what the Princess says.  And is generally more handy!

                                       Speaking of Lesbo, he was there, along with my favorite, Patti Hogg.  As was guest Darrell Hammond as a homophobic patriarch, and Fred Weller, who just played Mr. Ewell in the original Broadway cast of "To Kill A Mockingbird"--you know, the one with Celia!!!!!!!!!!!!!--turns up as an itinerant drifter, who catches Amy's eye--and some of ours, girls, and acts like he is doing a riff on James Dean in "Giant!"

                                           But I cannot wait to sample that Sun Tea, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And, Amy, please tell us, who does your dresses and hair????????????????


  1. Much as I adore Amy and Chassie, Ruth and Esther are the jewels of the show for me. I can't get enough of them: the more Ruth desperately tries to control, isolate, belittle and embarrass Esther the more it blows up in her face and Esther comes off the wiser, more clever, more socialized, more appealing partner.

    Tops and bottoms, hetero or homo, lesbians or gays: some form of power struggle always lies at the bottom of any relationship. In healthy ones its subliminal and often positive, but if one or both parties harbor emotional or personality disorders, look out! Ruth and Esther are so funny, and terrifying, because they reflect truth. Whoever writes for them, writes from hard-won experience.


  2. I LOVE Ruth and Esther, and the actors
    who play them. You are right; they are so
    well written, but then I love everyone on
    the show.
