Friday, June 5, 2020

"Take Weapons Up, And Begin To Kill! Watch The Long, Long Armies Drifting Home!"

                                    I mean, girls, hasn't it been a bitch of a week?

                                    So, my choice for Bitch Of The Week goes out to so many--every one of you who disrupted peaceful protests by looting stores and grabbing the goods for yourselves.

                                      Not just in New York; oh, no, dolls, everyone across this nation of ours!

                                      You dumb bitches!  Don't you know Trump gets off on you guys and gals!
He jerks off and ejaculates onto the TV as he sees you.  But, first he has to take his ED injection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And what do you do with this stuff? Sell it for a profit, instead of fixing up your filthy Bronx apartments--which is where the NYC contingent is from--where there is shit still on the bathroom floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         As Bette Davis said in 'Baby Jane'--"STOP IT!

                                         Just stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. trump’s Bible photo op.😒
    If only he had actually Opened it....


  2. Victoria,
    If he had opened up that Bible,
    it would have been the first time
    he ever did.
