Friday, June 5, 2020

Was Thornton Wilder Well Hung?????????????????????????????

                                   Now, that I have your attention, girls!  In case you've been following, we are up to June 4.  That is the night I had this crazy dream where I was trying to answer the titular question.

                                    I was a grad student in some lit course, and we were studying Thornton Wilder.  In the dream, the professor said everything was known about him, but his penis size!

                                     Girls, I am telling you, I was never sure Thornton Wilder had a penis!  I never knew if he was gay or straight.  All I know is I still have not appeared in a production of "Our Town," and am waiting to do so.  I guess I am fine for the cemetery scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       So, now I know Wilder was straight, married, and had two children, a girl named Catherine Dix, and a boy named Amos Tappan.  His wife was named Catherine Kerlin, and they wed in 1935!  I am guessing he had a penis, though that is not 100% confirmed, though he did marry and have children.   But I have no idea of its length or circumference.

                                          My poor husband, David.  I awoke him in the middle of the night, babbling about Thornton Wilder.  But I did not say what it was!  Good thing, or David would not have gone back to sleep!  And no, I am not having delusional fantasies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   If I were, I certainly could do better than THIS!

                                          Anyone out there who can tell me?


  1. Your wacky dreams.
    Where does it come from!


  2. Victoria,

    I have no idea!
    I haven't given Wilder any thought
    in ages.
