Friday, June 12, 2020

We Have A New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I see the follower indicator is now at 109, so it is time to welcome Kristy McCullers to this blog.  I wonder if Kristy is related to Carson McCullers, one of my favorite writers?
Did she have any known relations?

                                             Anyway, Kristy, welcome; I don't know how you found your way here, but I am glad you did.  As you may have heard, this blog goes great with coffee--as does Sunday morning viewings of "Valley Of The Dolls!--so I hope you find things on here informative and entertaining.  And you are always welcome to comment.

                                                 Glad to have you, Kristy, and now let me welcome you, with the blog's unofficial theme song!


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