Friday, June 26, 2020

Who Knew Esther Was The Butch One????????????????????????

                                            Girls, Amy Sedaris' "First Dates" show was such a brilliant send up of the 1960's Olivia de Havilland movie, "Lady In A Cage" that I now am going to have to see the actual movie.  But the real treat was the visit with Ruth and Esther.

                                              I know that Ruth, who acts as spokesperson is "The Lady Who Lives In The Wood," her toilet is a hole in the mud, but she is so passive aggressive, it is no wonder Esther sulks.

                                                This week, a new Esther emerged.  Esther, who always has beautiful hair, and looks like something out of Jane Austen, especially when dressed in white, took charge .  She wanted a television--I don't blame her--and Ruth said "No!"  So, Esther gets up, leaves, saying, "Well, I am going to a sports bar, where there is television."  Then, we hear the car speeding off.

                                                   Who knew either heard of sports bars?  Or owned a car, let alone drive one?  There is more than meets the eye, here.   I bet Esther has built a modern bathroom in the woods, where only she can use it, as opposed to Ruth's "natural," disgusting, one.  I am not even getting into the questions I could ask, here.

                                                     Michael Shannon did his standard thing in the movie spoof, playing the James Caan role.  He was perfect, but Amy carried the show.  Even the Wine Lady showed up.

                                                      But that Ruth and Esther.  We need to see more of them!



  1. I like Olivia DeHavilland.
    The name Olivia is one of the most popular girls names these days!

  2. Victoria,
    I had no idea Olivia was a popular
    name. But I am kind of out of the
    whole children scene.

    De Havilland was a great actress.
    Just watch the difference between Melanie
    in GWTW, and that bitch, Miriam Dearing,
    in "Hush...Hush Sweet Charlotte.
