Sunday, July 12, 2020

Could This Be The Beach Read Of The Summer??????????????????????????

                                       First, there was "Valley Of The Dolls."  Then "Lace."  And now....Donald Trump????????????????

                                        I have to hand it to the estranged niece, Mary, for writing this book.  The cover is perfect; the exact image of an Aryan Nazi.

                                          My feeling is Mary has been an outcast from the Trump family, for quite awhile.  I get it, Mary, being the same from my father's side of the family

                                            Her revealing the dirt should be a hoot!  On the other hand, why should I read it, when there are better things I have to read--no offense, Mary, and I hope your book sells well!!!!!!!!!!!--but, fun though it might be, I generally do not read much non-fiction, even if it reads like fiction, and I am not politically interested enough in the person.  I can see for myself, via the news, what has been created by Donald Trump.

                                              Nevertheless, Mary, I wish you luck.

                                               What this book has me thinking about, and I swore I would never read it again, having read it twice already, is "Atlas Shrugged," by Ayn Rand.

                                                 Could Trump be the real life John Galt?

                                                 On the other hand, is he smart enough?

                                                  Girls, if you read the book, give me all the dirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I will Not be reading this one!!


  2. Victoria,

    Neither do I. But a friend of mine--anti-Trump--
    plans to, so I will get all the dirt from him!
