Friday, July 17, 2020

Last Week, Darlings, I Saw More Action On These Steps Than The Semi-Erotic Romantic Shootout, At The Climax Of David O. Selznick's 1946 "Duel In The Sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  Even Pearl Chavez would have been shocked.  And, remember, darlings, she was "built by the Devil, to drive men crazy."  Just like me.

                                    Now, these steps, beautiful as they look, are slightly beaten up when seen in actuality.  They are this long and deep, and part of my exercise routine on my walk--I go up and down them.

                                     I would not be surprised, if, between the hours of 10PM and 2AM, this is a hangout for teens and early twenties folk.  I get it.  But not in the day!

                                      Signs have been posted, asking all this to stop, because right near the steps is scattered garbage of all kinds.  Which will, if not already, attract vermin, who will ruin the site of its beauty and tranquility, and source of exercise.

                                         But nothing beat when I saw last week.

                                          On my way back, as I approached the steps, to go up, I saw two couples, male and female, seated.  The couple seated nearest the bottom were snuggling, listen to music on their headphones.  Nothing wrong with that; they were young (teens or twenties) and were not bothering anyone.

                                           But the other couple, high above them, were so actively engaged they could not even look when I passed them by.  I kid you not when I say the young girl, about the same age as the others, was going down on whom I  presume is her boy friend!

                                             I mean, in late afternoon daylight?  I could have been a priest, plainclothes cop, or a parent with child.  Had I been the last, I might have spoken up.

                                              It was DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              But these two were too self-absorbed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              What is the world coming to????????????????????

                                                At least wait till night, kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’d have probably said something and gotten assaulted lol


  2. Victoria,
    That was exactly what I was
    afraid of. And you can bet
    the other couple would have
    joined in!
