Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Guess Who Is Back In Town, Everyone? Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


David says we have not seen Cujo, since before the pandemic!  I do believe it!

To bring all up to date, Cujo is the lovable boxer who lives on 77th Street, in our Brooklyn neighborhood.  His owners a Greek family, call him Ares.  When we moved to the neighborhood, and saw him, David said, "That dog is like Cujo."  So, I started calling him that--my pet name, for him--and now he answers.  Seeing Cujo on his terrace brightens my day, though we have had some outdoor encounters, with plenty of hugs and kisses.  He is so loving!

And I love him.  So, when David suggested we take an after dinner walk last night, I was up for it. And while passing 77th Street on Third Avenue, I heard a dog bark.  At first, I let it go, but when I heard it again, I was positive it was Cujo!  And I was right!  He was out on his terrace, and calling for me; his eyes are better than mine!   So, we had a lovely Cujo reunion!

So glad to see you, Cujo!  Perhaps the storm drove you inland, because I think you were at the Jersey Shore!

Love you SO MUCH. Cujo, and I know you mask and socially distance!

He just made my day!


  1. Victoria,

    Indeed it is! I have
    a feeling the storm
    sent Cujo and his family
    home. I was so glad to
    see him!
