Tuesday, August 11, 2020

See The Guy In The Lower Right Hand Corner? I Cannot Stand Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                           This is the Goli diet chew candy ad.  Now, I am OK with the actor; after all, I am happy he has a gig, and he is just playing the character given.  But that character, Jim, is annoying.  Yes, he is cutting cravings, but you can just tell, darlings, with his ersatz disco moves and weird hand gestures, that he is just an overaged closet case.  Someone should tell him, before coming out, first get rid of those moves, because, hon, they are SO dated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I cringe every time this airs, because his presence is so off putting, it would not make me buy the product, even if I thought to, and which I have no plans of doing.

                               Whomever thought this segment up does an injustice to the character and the product.  Jim is as annoying as Jamie on "Progressive."  Get rid of him.

                                  The others are fine, though!

                                   But does the gummy quality do a job on one's teeth?????????????????



  1. SO many annoying commercials right now!!
    Subway, progressive, that furniture store that has the sale-to-end-all-sales Every Week,

  2. Liberty Insurance, that lawyer who screams, previews for The Goldbergs,


  3. Victoria,

    Yes, the Liberty Insurance ads.
    What ever became of creativity in
    the ad industry?

    I am not familiar with the lawyer
    who screams!
