Friday, August 21, 2020

The Story Of The Good Samaritan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                   You all know it, darlings!  But, after the week or so I endured, it will be refreshing for you to read this tale of hope, and myself to chronicle it for you.

                      On Wednesday, I was headed for an appointment with my neurologist.  Everything is fine, there.  This had nothing to do with the events of last week; it had been scheduled, months before, to go over some tests I had in June.

                       Everything medical was fine on this front.  But--

                        I rode in on the R train from 77th Street, to Lex.  Because of all the weight I have lost, my shorts hang on me, and the pockets widened.  So, in the office, when I went to reach for my cell phone, I found it was gone.  I looked under my chair, around the office room, in the bathroom, the hallway outside, the lobby downstairs, and traced my steps all the way back to the station I emerged from.  Nothing.  So, it was gone, either falling in the street, or lost on the R train.  Who knew where it was headed, or who had it now?

                        Of course, as soon as I discovered the loss, a nice, young female patient, loaned me her cell phone to contact David.  He stopped my number at once.


                          When I arrived home from this routine appointment, David told me had good news.  Before stopping my phone, he called the number, and a man answered, saying he found it on the R train, and was taking it to the post office, and would mail it back.  It turned out he was right; because later that day I received an email, picturing the receipt the post office gave him, and the amount paid.

                              The man was Mr. Jacinto Cruz, of Elmhurst, Queens.  I am eternally grateful to him; and it was such a comfort after all I had been through, which he could not possibly have known about.  But God, or Jacinta (of Fatima, and the female counterpart of his name) were keeping an eye on me.

                                Mr. Cruz is a hero, and a Good Samaritan.  So nice to know there are people still out there.  I would like to think I am one, because, had I found a cell phone, I would try and get it back to the person.  We are now all so dependent on them!

                                God bless you, Mr. Cruz, and use the token mailed to you however you choose.

                                 There is still hope and goodness out there, dolls!

                                   As well as Good Samaritans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Makes me think of Mother Teresa’s famous “Do Good Anyway” quote!


  2. Victoria,
    Interestingly, the first name
    of the man in my story was Jacinto,
    the male counterpart of Jacinta, who is
    my favorite of the Fatima children. A sign
    from God, or what?
