Saturday, August 1, 2020

This Sister Saga Could Well Be A Contender For My Year's Best List!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  I have to say, girls, I am going to have to read the other novel Brit Bennett is known for, "The Mothers," because her current work, chronicling and contrasting the lives of two sisters who each go their own way--despite being  twins.--is so gorgeously written I could not stop reading.  Desiree and Stella are twins, light skinned enough to pass for white.  Desiree chooses to remain in the South, caring for those she loves, while Stella, the other sister, takes the Jeanne Crain "Pinky" route, and goes north, passing herself off as White, and marrying rich.  This is a novel where the reader is asked to question for themselves choices made.

While Stella leads the more glamorous life, I have to say I admired Desiree for not denying her own family, and her identity.

As things usually do, the past has a way of making the present clash with it, and when one of Stella's daughters goes off to college, does it ever!

There is a sister reunion, but it is not maudlin, but realistic.  Each stands proud by the choices

But Brit Bennett's prose style will grab you and compel you to keep going.  I am telling you, it has GOT to be read, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

A great story and strong sense of literary style, adds up here, to a great work of fiction!


  1. I’ve only known a few sets of twins in my life, but they were All fascinating!!


  2. Victoria,
    I have known many twins.
    There were at least three sets
    in my HS class, and I knew a guy
    years ago--whom I have lost touch
    with, who was a twin. I ran into
    who I thought was him once at the
    Film Forum, but it was his twin.

    And back in 1972, I met and interviewed,
    for my HS paper, the two boys who played
    twins in "The Other." One of them passed
    in 2010!
