Sunday, September 13, 2020

Girls, Please Say A Special Prayer For Our Dear Friend, Chloe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Yesterday, while David and I walked up 76th Street, I, as usual called out to Chloe, who looks exactly like this, and got  her usual, robust bark of a greeting in return.  Chloe was in her back yard, and did not come out front to see us, as she often does.  Instead, her owner, Liz, appeared, and, to our great upset, tearfully told us that Chloe had almost died this week.  Which is scary, not only because we love her so much, but because, the last few times we have seen her, David kept remarking on how thin Chloe looked.  She was always a girl who kept her figure, and besides she had a lot of fur.

                                            Apparently, she had been in pain for some time, and, when taken to the vet, discovered she had inflammation of the bowel.  Some corrective surgery was done, although  she is still having some bouts of diarrhea.  So, I want everyone out there to send their best wishes to our beloved Chloe, who is very much a great lady, and loving to us all.  She is one of the many animals in the neighborhood I visit, who are able to cheer me up!

                                              We love you, Chloe!  And I know you are a fighter!

                                                Send those prayers, girls!  And, hopefully Sister Camille, too!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh no!!
    Prayers for The Lady Chloe!!


  2. Victoria,
    As far as I know, Chloe is
    holding her own. She is a lady
    with class, but also a tough
