Monday, September 7, 2020

"On A Picnic Morning, Without A Warning, I Looked At You, And, Somehow, I Knew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


                                           Happy Labor Day, everyone!  In more innocent times, Channel 7 would annually show the 1955 film "Picnic," to mark the Labor Day Holiday!

                                             Who could forget the dance scene, where William Holden and Kim Novak dance to "Moonglow?"  We all wanted to wear that pink dress Kim Novak was adorning, not to mention the hair, but I loved Susan Strasberg's outfit in this scene, too.  Of course, Madge (Novak) was the prettiest girl in town, but this was William Inge territory, where there were frumps like Mrs. Potts, and spinster schoolteachers, like the one enacted by Rosalind Russell.

                                                 So, get out your best summer frock, and wear it for the last time, this year, on this Labor Day!

                                                    And, remember, it is the last day to wear white shoes and seersucker!


  1. One of my favorite memoirs is “Bittersweet”


  2. Victoria,
    I, too, love "Bittersweet."
    That, and "Haywire" are the two
    best memoirs I have read!
