Sunday, September 6, 2020

This Was Our Big Labor Day Excursion, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Yes, girls, September is here, and along with traditions--like do I or do I not do "Frank Mills" in front of the Waverly on the 12th, school reopening in whatever form it takes, (an irrevocable association with this month that remains unbroken since childhood!) and the transition from Summer to Fall, and all that is attendant upon it, along creeps in, with me, an underlying cynicism--what are we in for now, considering all facing David and I this month, regarding medical procedures?

                                    So, when David asked me about doing something special for Labor Day Weekend, with the few options at hand, I said I wanted to visit Three Lives Bookstore.  The timing had been fortuitous--after reading "Hamnet" by Maggie O' Farrell, and "The Parisian," by Isabella Hammad, and being on such a roll of happy reading experiences, I made the mistake of beginning Richard Powers' "The Overstory."  Now, girls, avoid this---even though I liked some of his other books,  by the time I was only thirty pages in, I knew I was not going to want to pick this up again.  It is all about trees and  how humans relate to them.  It is fiction, saga like, but reads more like a botany text.  If you want the same experience, only less cumbersome, read "Walden Two."

                                     I had a copy of "Cutting The Stone," which someday I would like to read, but I discovered my copy, which I had picked up in our lobby, was mutilated--as though a dog had chewed on the end cover.  Forget that!  So, we high tailed it to Three Lives.

                                       I was so happy we went!  Because they had things I was looking for that would not be found anyplace else--like "Angel," by Elizabeth Taylor, as well as some other literary gems I had had my eyes on.  The best thing was, unlike my last visit, all the staff were wearing masks, and everyone was practicing social distancing.  Now, should I have to go into the hospital, I can bring a pile of books with me, and read myself up a storm before I go in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Times being what they are, with no access to Ocean Grove, or Cape May, what better option could there have been than Three Lives????????????

                                       Thank God for Three Lives!  May it remain there forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Had to chuckle over your literally Dog Eared book lol

  2. And good for you for getting thirty pages into Overstory.
    That’s about twenty-five pages more than I could endure.


  3. Victoria,
    Literally, it had been chewed at the upper end!


  4. Victoria,
    I had high expectations. Glad to hear
    I am not the only one who was disappointed.
    My instincts, which I trust, told me it was
    time to cash this one in!
