Friday, October 23, 2020

Darlings, I SO Want To Wear This Outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The hair, not so much, because I am still growing mine out,  waiting  to see what Sally Hershberger can do for me.  But, girls,  I am telling you, not  since the days of the late, great.  Diana Vreeland, have I seen such a plethora of red!  This ensemble would look spectacular on  me!!!!!!!!!

                                             By the way, the wearer in the picture is actress  Amanda  Plummer, one of our best  American actresses.  Apparently, she wears this in the miniseries "Ratched," which I have not yet  seen, yet I have heard,  remarkably, she does not play a mental patient.

                                               That's just  it with Amanda.  Mental  patient or  not,  the difference cannot be  told.  Nor is it  distinct when Amanda Plummer  is acting,  and when  she is not.  No matter what she does,  or how brilliant she  does it,  Amanda always seems to be playing....Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               And I just love  it!

                                               Let  me  put it  this way.   If the pandemic was over,  and  I was eating  in a restaurant,  and spotted Amanda Plummer at a nearby table, I  would brace myself.  Because I  would, at any second,  expect her  to stand up on  her table,  and  start reciting her classic  opening monologue from  "Pulp  Fiction."

                                                 But, really, I have my eyes on that outfit!

                                                 What an entrance I could make, wearing it!  And  with my Sally Hershberger hair style!

                                                    The  problem, today, is, where  would  I  make  this entrance??????????


  1. Are you going to watch it?
    The backstory of Nurse Ratchet;
    could be interesting

  2. As for Amanda, how difficult must it be to make a name for yourself, as the daughter of a legendary actor.


  3. Victoria,

    I would not miss it for the world.
    Sarah Paulson and Amanda--what a cast!
