Sunday, October 18, 2020

Happy Birthday, To Sister Camille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Well, girls, the secret is out, and Sister Camille herself revealed it.  On this morning's broadcast, she said she celebrated her birthday, yesterday, which was October 17.  She  did not reveal how old she was, so I will not,  either.   But  it is interesting that her birthday falls just two days before my mother, who is October 19, and my friends Angela and Margaret,  who were born, respectively, on the 20th and 21st.

                                              So, a Happy Birthday to you, Sister Camille, and many more!  Hope you found a stylish and fun way to celebrate in the wake of this pandemic.  I face that challenge next month, when my birthday rolls around.

                                                May the blessings you bring us each Sunday come back to you, through the year, triple fold!

                                                 We love you, Sister Camille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. She shares a birthday with Rita Hayworth!
    And Arthur Miller!


  2. Victoria,

    How impressive. I bet she
    would be thrilled about both!
