Saturday, October 31, 2020

Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How About Colin And Scarlett?????????????????????

                                                Honestly, girls,  you could have knocked me over with a feather!!!!!!!!!  Readers have been asking  how much I know about the wedding plans, or whether  or not there would even be a wedding.  I had  my doubts.  And I will get into those later.

                                                 Colin and Scarlett were married, last weekend (meaning October 24th-October 25th) on a private boat, with loved ones and family in attendance!  Hey, how come I wasn't invited?  Oh, I know why.  Because Scarlett is afraid I would make a play for Colin Jost.  Unfortunately, for now, girls, that delicious scoop of vanilla ice cream is off the market.

                                                  But I  wouldn't worry too much about that, darlings.  Besides, Scarlett's track record is not that great.  She was first married to actor Ryan  Reynolds from  2008 to 2011; a mere three years.  And then another three years--2014 to 2017--to Romain Dauriac, by whom she has a daughter.  So, looking at this, I see the two splitting in 2023, whereupon, girls, Colin will be back on the market, and maybe willing to try a new direction.  Which is what I thought was taking the marriage so long.

                                                   Now,  I have to wonder--is Scarlett knocked up????????????

                                                   Only time will tell, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Damn!   I  should have been at that wedding!  All  the  Covid cautions were in place, so how could I have even laid a hand on Colin????????????????

                                                     And they donated money to their favorite charity, Meals On Wheels.  Isn't that just sweet?????????????????????????

                                                      Don't expect Scarlett to putter around in the  kitchen!  Colin  will just have to relay on takeout for his SNL writing sessions.  This girl has never boiled water in her life.

                                    Like Nancy Lane, as Bebe Benzenheimer, in "A Chorus Line" says,
                                      "Different is nice,  but it sure isn't pretty.  Pretty is what it's about!"


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