Saturday, October 17, 2020

Support Your Local Bookstore, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     This is Greenlight Bookstore, in Brooklyn, not that far from BAM, which is where I always go, when I am in that area.  It is beautifully laid out,  great selections, the staff is friendly, and it is owned by Jessica, whom  I knew, back when she worked at Three Lives, in the Village.  It was always her dream  to open her own bookstore, and this is it.

                                        Bookstores are problematic in any  time  period,  but  especially during a pandemic.  Let's face it, as the quality of technology has increased in our society, so has the quality of literacy decreased. People say they have no time for reading, but there is always an hour after dinner, standing  in line  for a movie, when such a thing was possible,  waiting in a doctor's office, now the most popular social activity  of the day.  And bookstores.

                                          Those of us who read,  are a rare breed. But  we are out  there, and we  need local bookstores,  to give us  the high of  being in  one, the sight of  all  those volumes, and our immediate  gratification  in  picking  out  our own  selections, and walking  out  with them, so that, if we  wish,  we can  begin reading  as soon as we get on the subway train.

                                            Amazon is all right,  in a pinch!  But  all  that waiting--to hell  with it!

                                            Books have kept me sane. If the stores go under, I may end up in  the nut house,  hooked on  dolls, like Neely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            "I am NOT nuts!  I am just hooked on dolls!"

                                             Save me, darlings!  Support your  local bookstore!


  1. Rare Breed indeed.
    I wonder why, though?
    Children are still being taught to read, The Book Fair is still popular in schools.
    Who knows, maybe by the time we are long gone reading will be back in style!!


  2. Victoria,

    It seems adult reading for pleasure
    or anything other than work related
    stuff is not in vogue. I am glad there
    are still book fairs in schools.

    Some people never develop an interest
    in reading for its own sake. Some of
    my relatives looked down on me for it.

    But now I realize that is THEIR problem!
