Sunday, October 11, 2020

Time To Welcome A New Reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I see by the follower indicator that I am at113 followers, so I want to bid our new reader, whose name I do not know, a warm and gracious welcome.  I am glad you found your way here, and hope you find things here informative, and entertaining.  Remember, this blog goes great with coffee.  A cup is never far from me, when I am writing.

                                             Please feel free to comment here anytime; I answer all.  Would love to know how you found your way here.

                                             So, a big welcome, everyone, to our newest reader.

                                             As always, initiation comes with the blog's unofficial theme song.

                                         Here is Deborah Harry, singing "Call Me!"

                                         Welcome, and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I'm lucky number 113 - thanks for the welcome!

    How did I stumble across your blog? Probably Googling "tramp bitch" or "bitch tramp" or "Bitch, you're a tramp" or something. You know how that goes.

    Anyway, I had the page bookmarked within about 3 minutes, seeing immediately your appreciation for such things as V/D (that's "Valley of the Dolls", darling!), good books, four-legged friends, and God yes, Deborah Harry!!!

    White light for your upcoming hospital sojourn, and then get outta that bed and post!

    Mike T.


  2. Hi, Mike T.

    Thanks for your comments and support.
    I have posts planned for the future, so am
    thinking ahead. Feel free to drop by here,
