Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Tomorrow Is The Feast Day Of Saint Teresa Of Avila, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       When I was scheduled for my heart ablation procedure, ten days before, and we settled on October 15, something about the day's importance registered in my head.  Imagine my surprise and joy to discover it is the Feast Day Of Saint Teresa Of Avila, otherwise known as the "Little Flower Of Jesus."

                                        How fortuitous.  But wait, it gets better.  Because I may not be a hagiographer, but I discovered she suffered from epilepsy, as do I, though treated for decades.  She is also patron of sickness, and those who question religious authority.  Sounds like my kind of gal/saint!

                                          So, help me, Saint Teresa, get through this experience, which, while I am doing it for myself, I am also doing it for David, and everyone I hold near and dear, human or animal.

                                            I am even thinking forward, planning a post procedure posting on here.

                                            Till then, girls, keep me in your thoughts.

                                             Go, Saint Teresa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!