Thursday, November 26, 2020

Gojira Wishes All A Very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Sweet Gojira!  Don't let that look fool  you!   Sure, he cannot wait to sink his chops  into the turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce,  but this day makes him  happy by doing his part--like  seeing that needy children throughout the NYC area are fed, and  loved.  He wears his special Goiira  mask,  and  he  wishes  everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.  And  I do too; Gojira is loved on here!

                                          Anyone  of us who have gotten this far through 2020 has that to be thankful  for,  first.  Add to that my having a heart ablation, and coming through with flying colors, and my David having lithotripsy--almost  all at the same time--so we have MUCH to be thankful for, and are!

                                           Not the least of which is God and Company giving us each other; for me, the greatest gift of all, and being together, and happy, on a day that is  difficult for many.   I wish them to find the happiness they need.

                                            Gojira insisted I wish all on here a special Thanksgiving  wish.  He sends  his love to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             As  do I,  on  this,  Thanksgiving Day of2020.


  1. Rejoice in All circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus!!


  2. Veronica,

    So much to be thankful for, this year.
    And the same to you!
