Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Happy Birthday, Neva Small!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            It is always easy to remember her birthday, as it is the day before mine.  But Neva has been a true Legend Of The Musical Stage, since childhood, and, at 68, she is dear to all of  us who have experienced her talent.  She is also charming and gracious.

                                             I wish Neva would perform more than she does, but when it happens, it is a special  treat.  On this, her natal day, I wish Neva many special treats for herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Have a great day and year, Neva, on behalf of  my readers, and  myself!



  1. Victoria,
    No, Neva has never written a memoir.
    I would love her to--did you know she
    is Leonard Bernstein's goddaughter!
