Sunday, November 8, 2020

"Put The Mask On NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                      Back when I was in college, I saw this cheesy 1961 3-D film--when that process was waning--called "The Mask."  Some professor found some sort of voodoo mask in, --where else?--Africa--and the mask ultimately takes possession of him.  The face reminds me of my Pressman  Witch Doctor Head Shrinker's Kit.

                                      Enforcement has not really worked for non-mask wearers, during this pandemic.  Then I recalled this film, and, darlings, I think if these non-maskers saw this face before them, they would do anything it said!  I certainly would.

                                      The fun of the film, especially when seen with an audience, is that, eventually, one gets to know when this post's titular phrase is going  to appear--and everyone shouts it out.

                                         I don't think that would work on the street.  It would just incite riots.

                                         But, girls,  this face would do the trick

                                         So,  once again--"Put the mask on NOW!"


  1. Wearing a mask has wreaked havoc on my complexion; my porcelain skin is all red and blotchy.
    But i wear them, and I look good doing it!
    The pretty masks that caused the rash also cover it up!
    Don’t waste your money on a sensitive skin brand either. What a scam.


  2. Victoria,

    Yes there are scams out there.
    But we do have quite a collection here!
