Wednesday, November 18, 2020

This Is The End Of Musical Theater Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  It ends today, on what is my actual birthday, but which I am proud to say, though she left us in  February of 2017, I share this date with Dorothy Collins,  the original Sally Durant Plummer in my favorite Sondheim musical, "Follies," from 1971.  Hey, it  turns 50 next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    No one but Dorothy-and, so help me God, not even Barbara Cook--nailed this song the way she did.  The way her voice breaks between "You said you loved me," and then "Or were you (pause) just being kind?" has never been equaled by anyone.  It is beautiful and heartbreaking, as is the entire show.

                                      I am proud to share this day with Dorothy Collins.

                                     No wonder "Follies" is my favorite.

                                     It was meant to be, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                      Here she is, singing "Losing My Mind." No rendition surpasses hers!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wow it’s been almost four years since she passed.
    Truly incomparable.


  2. Victoria,
    Actually it has been 26 years.
    She died in 1994 in her late
    sixties. I had forgotten it
    was so long ago.
