Sunday, November 22, 2020

This Used To Be My Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Ah, the days of standing  in line in  Manhattan  for art house films, only to be deafened by moronic, faux film  critics.

                               If you recognize--and you should--this scene from "Annie Hall," I can tell you this happened to me in real life more than I can recount.  Or, at least it used to, before Covid hit us.

                                  Which makes me wonder if it will ever happen again.  Oh,  idiots one can encounter anywhere,  but there was something special,  at least  for me,  about a movie theater culture clash.  It was  part  of the New York Experience.

                                    Emphasis on "was."  The question is, will  it ever return?

                                    Or will future generations  watching  this scene, regard it as some kind  of museum piece???????????????????????


  1. The New York Idiot is a special breed indeed!
    And let’s not forget Florida Man...

  2. Family Guy once said, about Boston, how can a place that has so
    many colleges have so many idiots?


  3. Victoria,
    Idiots come in all shapes, sizes
    and age. I agree the ones you
    cite are especially obnoxious.
    But this movie scene is a brilliant
    encapsulation of what my life used
    to be like in NYC. Now, I miss it!
