Sunday, November 15, 2020

"Words, Words, Words, I'm So Sick Of Words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                       Fellow Theater Queens will recognize instantly--or,  at least, should--these as the opening lyrics of the song "Show Me," from  "My Fair Lady."  My reason for using  them today has more to do with reading,  than musical theater.

                                                        This is the time of year when  I commence reading, as though studying for the bar exam.  Law,  I mean,  not alcohol.   This is because the time is drawing near when "The  New York  Times" will announce its "100 Most Notable Books Of 2020," and  then its "Ten Best Books  Of 2020."  Now,  halve those lists, because I am only interested in  the Fiction lists. I mean, I am aware of non-fiction, but, truthfully, I have read only one non-fiction  book this year, and that was "The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks," by Rebecca Skloot. It was recommended to me, by a friend.  It's just the way I am wired, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           However, with each year,  The  Times  makes its  harder and harder  for non  online  subscribers  to ascertain  this information.  And this year  is the worst.  First,  I heard  the  "Notable List"  was  coming  out  today.  I had a neighbor pick up a hard copy  for me--nothing!!!!!!!!  Than  David found  out  it is coming out  next Sunday, which means I will have to haul  my ass  at an  ungodly hour--like when the vampires are crawling back to their graves--to get a paper that may not have it, to begin with.  So,  now I am reaching out to my readers.

                                                              I am not asking for the world.  If pressed,  I can do without the "Most Notable"  list. What  is  most important to me is  what is included on the five best works of fiction, on the "Ten Best" list.  If you can email,  or comment, me, even just the titles, I can take it from there.  

                                                               I need this info  for several reasons.  First, to see what made the list,  and  what did  not.  Second, to see how much,  if all, or  not,  I still have  to read.  And third,  because I want  to do a post commenting on this list,  and then post one of my own.  Which I have almost worked out, by  the  way,  if  that will  help you to  help me.

                                                                 And,  of course, my decisions are not yet written  in stone,  because, I am still reading  madly, so choices could change.

                                                                   So,  while  I am hardly sick of  words, I am absorbing about as much as Eliza did, at her peak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                     Help me,  darlings!   "Show  Me" those five fic picks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I hear you, I’ve had about enough of all the Subscribe To Read Further business.
    I mean, we’re not reading anything free of charge; we pay Thousands of dollars every year for online access, right??

  2. I am a subscriber and I searched today for the most notable fiction of 2020 to no avail


  3. Victoria,
    You are right; we do.
    I still prefer hard copy
    papers and mags to online!


  4. Marty049,
    Thanks for watching out.
    I don't know what is going on.
    Last year, I think The Times did
    the Ten Best, before the 100 Most
    Notable. It is anyone's guess.
