Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Despite What You See, This Game Is More Political Than Occult!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                When I first saw the  cover for this game,  "The Circle," I thought it a foreshadowing of the Transogram game, "Ka-Bala," I had, as a child.  With Tarot Cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Actually, this game is more of  a foreshadowing of Parker Bros, game "RISK." Here,"The Circle" is a secret organization  that everyone playing  is  a part of,  with the object being to fight off world domination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Very prescent for today's  times!  But "RISK"  is still  out there.

                                     Even board games cannot be judged by their covers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. Precious memories of playing Risk, Life, Clue, Pit, Dutch Blitz, Hands Down, Battleship

  2. Victoria,

    I remember all of those games.
    But what was Dutch Blitz? I
    never heard of that!

  3. It’s a fast paced card game, the cards had pictures of either a water pump, buggy, plow, or bucket
    You try to get rid of your Blitz Pile
    We played it so much , the cards were all worn and faded.
    I miss those days
