Saturday, December 5, 2020

Happy Krampus Day, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Today is Krampus Day,  and I just love him.  Isn't he cute?  He is of European origin, and is the evil counterpart to St. Nicholas.  The legend has it that, on this evening, Krampus comes to the homes of all the children having been naughty this year--watch out, darlings!!!!!!!--and beats them all with his stick!  That's right; you heard me!

                                                  The  tradition,  especially in Germany,  Holland, and the Scandinavian countries, is there are street parades, with plenty of drinking I am sure, where mostly men, dress up as Krampus, and walk through the streets. Not unlike our Santacon in New York, which has been cancelled this year, because of Covid.  I can do without the whole Santacon thing, but, if it must be upheld,  why can't America get with it, and give Krampus, his own parade?????????  It is about time.

                                                   I am sure, too, all European Krampus parades have been cancelled, because of Covid.

                                                    By the way, tomorrow, in our apartment, we are putting  up our Christmas decorations, which include my mother's white, ceramic table top tree that lights up, and our Krampus doll,  who sits on our cabinet base, and looks across the way, at Baby Gojira, on his perch, atop our fireplace.  It is just so sweet, and Baby Gojira loves to hug him!

                                                     So,  a big hug to Krampus, on his special day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Enjoy your own celebration,  dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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