Sunday, December 13, 2020

How Many Times, When We Step Into The Shower, Do We Sometimes Think Of Janet Leigh????????????????????


                                         Anyone having seen the legendary shower scene in Hitchcock's 1960 "Psycho," is sure not to forget  it.  When I first watched it, at 13, I placed a chair against the locked bathroom door, every night, for a week.

                                           And sometimes,  as I try to look glamorous as Janet, the thought of that scene passes through me, as I bathe.  The sheer vulnerability of  it.  There is literally no place for one to go! Which is one of many reasons why the scene  is so frightening.

                                             Several nights,  I had a "Psycho" dream .  It was the driving scene.  I was in the car, it was raining, it was my body, but I was Marion.  In my dream, I heard the voice of my David, like  John Gavin, ask, in my mind, "Marion, what are you doing up here?  Is something wrong?  What is it, Marion?"

                                              My dream stopped before I was anywhere near the Bates Motel, which is a good thing.  Maybe that place inspired the Roach Motel commercial, where "roaches check in, but they don't check  out."  Just like Marion Crane, at the Bates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Some things are best not forgotten!

                                                  So watch yourselves,  girls,  in the  shower, on your journey to beauty!