Thursday, December 24, 2020

"The World, In Solemn Stillnes Lay, To Hear The Angels Sing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                        Once  again, girls,  it that holiest of nights,  and  I salute all out there  who have  made it to this point, while remembering those who have not.

                                         This is not just your ordinary Christmas Eve.  It  is  one to be  thoughtful and  pensive,  and  if any dark  nights of  the soul,  a  la  Ebenezer  Scrooge, take place,  this  is  surely the  year  for   it!


                                     For  this evening,  no  other carol will  do  than  "O  Holy Night,"  which happens to be  one  of my favorites.  Here is Josh Groban's  heartrending renditon!

                                       Merry Christmas, everyone!   And  joy to all in  2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. 🎁Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift...


  2. Victoria,

    Amen! I am thankful for
    all that I have! Including
    you, as a reader!
