Sunday, December 13, 2020

What Detailed Intricacy! Another Great Art Wall Piece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 What caught my eye on this game, darlings, is not just its patterned resemblance to the Uncle Wiggly game board of my childhood, but my fascination with turn-of-the century cycling.   I have  always wanted to ride one of  those big front wheeled bikes,  but who can find one today,  outside of a museum?

                                  So, "The Great Victorian Cycle Game" is great for those who fancy the same.  It's a simple start-to-finish board game, but its design scores over originality.

                                   Far  superior, and  more creative,  than today's overly techno video games!

                                    Bring back  the  board game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Especially to those of us, who are are bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,

    Thanks so much. I have no use
    for these techno games!

    The closest I come to is online
