Wednesday, December 23, 2020

What Would Christmas Be, Without Judy And Margaret??????????????

                                      Garland  and  O'Brien,  that  is.  After exploring the melancholia of "Winter Was Warm" recently, itis time recognize the Gold Standard,  performed  by Garland to  the young actress.  It is beautiful and heartbreaking,  and  I defy those to watch this scene without a dripping,  wet,  handkerchief.

                                        This is one of  the highlights of  the  1944 film,  "Meet Me In St. Louis."  And what follows, in tandem  with  the earlier, Halloween scene,  is  what won Margaret O'Brien  her Special  Juvenile Oscar that year.  And  Margaret is still  with us today.

                                            And so, wishing all my girls brighter days aheaad,  here is a  classic too perfect to be overlooked!

                                           Cherish it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Can’t get through it without weeping!


  2. Victoria,

    Neither can I! That was Garland;
    she got under the skin. I would
    love to hear Jessie Mueller tackle
