Friday, December 4, 2020

Who Are The Neediest Cases??????????? We Are, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I don't mean to mislead.  I am saying, as I write this, from  my cozy Brooklyn apartment, with my beloved, David, in the room, that I qualify as one of these cases.

                                         However, thinking back on the year, and those of us who have been fortunate enough to get this far,  it seems,  to a degree we all are needy cases.  It is the ones who need more than us that I am urging my girls to reach out to, in any way possible.  A quarter, or more, to a homeless person,  even a kind word to them, or showing kindness to animals, who, in turn, give back kindness to us, as my interactions have proved, are little acts of giving that all of us can do.

                                           That, and prayer.  The happiness of this child united with her father cannot be overstated.  Find some way to bring some happiness to someone or something during this time of  year.

                                              Just  maybe, then, you will  not feel as needy!!!!!!!!!!!!

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